You Should See Me In A Crown
What up book people? Time for another Black book rec. For those of you that are new, my name is Casey R Kelley and I am here to help you add more melanin to your reading list by giving you a quick review of books I have read by Black authors. Follow @iamcaseyrkelley on all social media platforms especially Pinterest where you can pin the books into a reading list.
So now for today’s book. It’s You Should See Me In A Crown by Leah Johnson.
This is a cute sapphic romance that is a good palette cleanser in between heavy reads.
So the story follows Liz Lightly. She goes to this school in Indiana where prom is everything. So much so that the prom king and queen get a full scholarship to college. Liz isn’t one of the popular kids so she isn’t really someone that anyone would nominate let alone vote for. But with her need for the scholarship driving her, she decides to go for it.
This story was incredibly adorable and a fun read. Liz was a character that is likable and that you want to win. Have you heard of this book? If so, let me know your thoughts in the comments.