Black Buck

Black Buck Black Book of the Day

What up book people? My name is Casey R Kelley and I am here to help you add more melanin to your reading list by giving you a quick review of books I have read by Black authors. For more books, follow me on all social platforms @iamcaseyrkelley. Definitely follow on Pinterest so you can pin the books into a reading list.

Now for today’s book. It’s Black Buck by Mateo Askaripour.

If you spent anytime in these Black Bookstagram streets last year, you already know Mateo is the fam and an honorary bookstagrammer. His Friday IG Lives were legendary including the drinking games for everytime he said “keep it a buck”. He definitely ghosted us but hopefully it means he’s writing another book cuz this one went hard for a debut and we need more.

Aight so the book follows Darren who is working for a coffee shop. He basically gets discovered by the CEO of this firm because Darren’s the man when it comes to sales. The firm has this hell week for new sales reps to see if they can cut it at the firm. Darren is the only Black person and chile the blatant racism and microagressions that he deals with are on another level - starting with the fact that they nicknamed him Buck. The story follows Darren’s career in sales and some ghetto ish he get involved in.

This is a hilarious book that is relatable to anyone that has been “the only one” in corporate. If you have a chance look up some of Mateo’s interviews on the book. A lot of the book is based on his experience in sales and it’s pretty intriguing. Check this one out and let me know your thoughts.

You’re welcome

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